Losing Lash Extensions

Some clients may lose their lash extensions quicker than others. Here are some reasons why this may happen.


  • Clients who have red hair are likely to lose their lash extensions quicker than others due to their hair being naturally glossy. A glossy hair shaft will cause the glue to release quicker than a non-glossy shaft.
  • Clients whose lifestyle involves vigorous daily exercise may lose lash extensions prematurely as sweat contains oils which breaks down glue.
  • Clients whose lifestyle includes frequent spa visits are susceptible to lose their lash extensions because undue pressure is placed on the glue from steam (eg. sauna’s).
  • Clients who choose lashes that are not appropriate for the length and thickness of their own lashes puts strain on their natural lash, thus causing them to fall out.

You may choose to charge these clients extra. But remember, it is cheaper to keep an existing client than trying to find a new one!

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